Giancarlo Carli, Medical Doctor (1962), was born in Pievescola (Casole d’Elsa, Siena, Italy), was scientifically trained at Siena University (1959-1965) , at Pisa University ( Department of Physiology 1965-1969) and at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (1969-1971). From 1971 he has been working in Siena as Professor of Physiology, as Director of Institute (1976-2002) and as Chairman of Department (2009-2010). He has been a founder of the International Association for Study of Pain on 1973, of Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore (President from 1988-1991) and of the European Pain School (2003) in Pontignano (Siena) where is member of the Faculty Board. He has been Visiting Professor at Department de Psychologie, Université de Montreal(1973) and at Columbia University (1993). He has organized in Siena three international meetings: “Perspectives in Neurophysiology” in honorem of Prof. Mountcastle, Siena 1984, “Neural Processes in the Cerebral Cortex”, Siena 1988 and “Towards the Neurobiology of Chronic Pain” In honorem of M.Zimmermann, 1994. He has edited: “Towads the Neurobiology of Chronic Pain, Carli and Zimmermann (Eds). In :Progress in Brain Research; Vol.110, 278 pp, Amsterdam,Elsevier, 1996”. He has been Editor of “Medicine” (2015). Has received two awards, the first by the “The American Institute of Hypnosis” (1969) and the second by the Sleep Research Society Board of Directors, Chicago” (2003). Since 2010 he is acting as scientific consultant of Department of Translational Research and New Technology in Mecicine and Sugery, Unisersity of Pisa, Italy and of Aplysia onlus Psychosomatic center, Pisa, Italy.
17.07.1962 Graduation as Medical Doctor, University of Siena
1962 – 1965 Fellow Institute of Medical Pathology, University of Siena
1965 – 1969 Fellow Institute of Physiology, University of Pisa
1969 Award of “The American Institute of Hypnosis”
1969 – 1971 Fellowship P.H.S. of Department of Physiology The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland – U.S.A.
- “Libera Docenza” in Human Physiology
1971 – 1981 Assistant Professor, Siena University
1973 Visiting Professor, Department de Psychologie, Université de Monreal
1973 Research Appointment to CNR Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Pisa, Italy,
1976 – 2002 Chairman Institute of Physiology, Siena University
1977 – 2010 Chairman School of Specialization in Sport Medicine
1981- Full Professor – Human Physiology , Siena University
1988 – 1991 President of AISD (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore)
1992 – 2003 Chairman and of Center of Psychoneurophysiology of Sport Medicine
1993 – 2010 Principal Advisor for orienting problems of medical students
1993 Visiting Professor, Columbia University (October – November)
1995 – 2010 University Dean’s delegate for assistance of disabled students
1996 – 2008 Sport Medicine Unit Coordinator
1997 – 2001 Responsible for University Research Animal Facilities
2001 – 2002 Director of European Master “Aiuti Specializzati. Interventi Scolastici e Sociali”
2003 – Award as a Significant Early Contributor of the Field of Modern Sleep Research by “Sleep Research Society Board of Directors, Chicago”
2003 – Faculty Board of the “European Pain School” Certosa di Pontignano
2005 – 2010 Delegate of the Medical Faculty of Siena University to the “Regional Committee for Coordination of Actions to Fight Pain”
2009 – 2010 Chairman Department of Physiology, Siena University
1978 Main Organizer of II° National Meeting AISD (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore), Siena June 17-18
1984 Main Organizer of the International Meeting “Perspectives in Neurophysiology” in honorem of Prof. Mountcastle, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena
October 22-23
1984 Main Organizer of the Regional Congress “Medicina dello Sport a Siena: Studi compiuti e Progetti di Ricerca”, Siena February 28
1988 Main Organizer of the International Meeting Neural Processes in the Cerebral Cortex”, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, June 16-17
1991 Main Organizer of the International Congress “The Isokinetic Work in Rehabilitation and Muscle Strength”, Siena May 17-18
1991 Main Organizer of National Meeting”Stress, Dolore e Analgesia”, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena April 18-20,
1994 Main Organizer of the International Meeting “Towards the Neurobiology of Chronic Pain” In honorem of M.Zimmermann, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena March 4-5
1998 Main Organizer of National Meeting”Neuroscience and Pain” IV Congress of National Group Siena, December 4-5
2001-2003 Main Organizer of the International Master “Aiuti Specializzati. Interventi Scolastici e Sociali”
2002 Main Organizer of course “Fisiologia del Dolore” for Scuola di Fisiologia e Biofisica of Società Italiana di Fisiologia, Siena September 1-5.
2003- Organizer with Prof Aloisi and Prof Zimmemarnn of European Pain School ,Pontignano, Siena
2009 Main Organizer of Satellite Symposium “Hypnotizability as a Component of Physiological Variability” 60° Congress SIF, Siena, September 23
2011 Member of Research Committee of ISH(International Society of Hypnosis) with G.De Benedittis and J.Gruzelier
Carli and Zimmermann (Eds): Towads the Neurobiology of Chronic Pain, In Progress in Brain Research Vol.110, 278 pp, Amsterdam, 1996
Carli G, Besson JM, Bowsher D, Gordh T. (Editors): The European Journal of Pain,
1992,1993, 1994, Verlag fur Medizin Dr Ewald Fisher GmbH, Heidelberg
e Advanced settings.
Erlangen(Germany). Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Erlangen-Nurember University (Prof P Reeh)
Paris (France). Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie, Facultè de Medicine, Pitiè Salpetriere (Prof. J.C. Willer)
Paris (France). College de France (Prof. A.Berthoz).
Montreal (Quebec). Department of Biology, McGill University (Prof. L. Lefebvre)
Maastrict (The Netherlands. Department of Anaesthesiology, Academic Hospital
Maastricht (Prof. E.A. Joosten)
Szeged (Hungary). Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Science University (Prof. T.Forster)
Pisa – Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiologiche, Università di Pisa (Prof. D. Manzoni, E.L. Santarcangelo)
– ARTS Lab, Scuola Sant’Anna (Prof. P.Dario,S. Micera)
– Istituto Fisiologia Clinica, CNR (Prof. R. Balocchi, Varanini)
– Dipartimento di Medicina Interna (Prof. C. Palombo)
Bologna – Dipartimento di Anestesia e Rianimazione (Prof. V. Bachiocco)
Modena – Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università di Modena e Reggio (Prof. C.A. Porro)
– Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica (Prof. F. Facchinetti)
Milano – Dipartimento di Farmacologia,Università di Milano (Prof. A. E Panerai, P. Sacerdote)
Roma – Istituto Scienza dello Sport,Dipartimento di Fisiologia (Prof. L. Marugo, F. Sardella )
– Dipartimento di Genetica e Biologia Molecolare. Università la Sapienza (Prof. F. Capone, F. Pavone)
– Dipartimento di Psicologia (Prof. V. De Pascalis)
Firenze – Dipartimento di Farmacologia, Università di Firenze (Prof. G. Pepeu, F. Casamenti)